Ankit Jain, Regulatory Work, RattanIndia Power Limited, Bhopal, MP, India
I never believed if I could have reduced so much of weight given that all my previous attempts in last 3-4 years.I have almost spent around 1.5 months under your guidance and till now I have been able to reduce more than 5 kg of weight. I never believed if I could have reduced so much of weight given that all my previous attempts in last 3-4 years were in vain. But you have helped me understand the sustainable method by way of changing my lifestyle w.r.t. food and which has shown the results. For the first time in last 4-5 years, my weight is about to drop below 80 kgs. Thanks to you once again. I am sure I will be able to continue this lifestyle.

Sushil Shukla, Professor of Statistics, Safai, Uttar Pradesh, India
I reduced 15 Kgs and Improvised my HbA1cI am feeling very happy by following the suggestions given by Manish sir I reduced around 15kg weight in the last three months after strictly following the directions given by sir. I always used to feel like eating something every time, but afterward, there was no such feeling. It became a habit. Now, almost the whole day, I don’t feel like craving sweets or food. Exercise and sports are helping a lot to overcome eating habits. I learned in this program as to how to train the brain. My sugar is also reduced. HbA1C is now 6.4 from 8.1. Thank you sir for encouraging all of us and living a healthy happy and stress-free life.

Manisha Dubey, Sr. Hindi Officer, Central Government Research Laboratory, Bhopal, MP, India
My sugar levels are settled, and I reduced 16 kgs of weight.Dear Dr. Manish, Thanks Sir, your guidance worked. All my friends are complimenting me. My family is happy. I am going to complete one year of changed lifestyles. I lost about 16.5 kg in this duration and my sugar is settled. Thanks for all your follow-up and timely guidance. The way you explain health makes this science very simple. I thank the higher power for making me contact you.

Vishakha Tongaonkar, Manager - Majesco, Mumbai
Dr. Manish helped me to come out of vicious circle of numbersI came across Dr. Manish through my friend. The very first time I intereacted with Manish, I felt he is the one who can help me to get rid of my BP related problems.Actually its human tendency that we are driven by numbers, may the numbers on weighing machine, BP machine or Diabetics machine. Dr. Manish helped me to understand that the rootcause of the problem need to addressed rather than working on numbers. Then my journey took a U turn and I started focusing on my proper diet prescribed by Dr.Also started enjoying the green juices and red juices and always remember his words “ Go to Plant base- nature based”. These juices are really magical and can do wonders in your life. Slowly my BP came down and now it is well within the norms. Thank you Dr. Manish for transforming my life!!

Ashok Tilwankar, Retd Teacher, Railway School, Mumbai
I have recommended him to my various colleagues and friendsMy father, age 76 was having BP and Diabetes. He was taking insulin prior to my contact with Dr. Manish. Dr. Manish took notes meticulously and provided his detailed but simple plan to follow on a daily basis which included diet and lifestyle changes. My father was comfortable enough to talk with him about all the detailed symptoms, daily routine, and his routine diet and within a few weeks, it worked as a miracle. We consulted our Diabetologist and he stopped my father's Insulin and reduced tablets of my Father. I was completely impressed by the way Dr. Manish treated my father. He was humble and patient enough to take the necessary information, regular follow-up, and checking about the progress through WhatsApp video calls, from my father. I am happy that my friends are also getting good health benefits that can't be measured in any value. I am very much thankful to Dr. Manish

TASHMEER KHAN, AM-Sustainability & Circular Economy Services
He not only helped me in curing my diseases but makes me a stronger womanI was so young to decide what exactly my body was going through when I was diagnosed with thyroid. It’s been more than 8 years since I started consuming thyroid medicines and parallelly suffering through PCOD symptoms, I see no improvement even after medications. The day when I started Dr. Manish’s consultation, I can see a new me full of Energy, slowly moving away from PCOD symptoms, and most importantly I can see the dosage of thyroid medication coming down. All these were possible only with the help of the correct diet with lots of fruits and salads at particular intervals of time. He not only helped me in curing my diseases but makes me a stronger woman who has included these habits in family members as well to start a Journey towards a healthy lifestyle.

Aparna Jain, Wise Advise - Investment Advisor, Indore
He makes a person independent instead of creating a lifetime dependency on him and MedicationThis new year started on a healthy note when I connected with Dr. Manish on his WhatsApp group "Fearless me". I like the way Dr. Chandekar, through this group, bursts myths and create awareness about Health and Food. Meanwhile, I went through a regular health check-up where my Cardiac Health related markers were not up to the mark. I decided to consult Dr. Chandekar for his advice and he helped me take a more aware decision. He told me to work towards correcting the root cause instead of targeting the number correction by taking pills. What I liked about the whole process was he inculcates mindful eating habits and helps us to understand and become more aware of the food and its effect on our life and body.

Ms. Gayathri R, President, EHS Consultants, Bangluru
Yes, I am able to take quick decisions without fearI was undergoing a phase of confusion, indecisiveness, procrastination and fear for the future from past few months. This phase affected my profession and I was losing interest in doing anything. Then I started my sessions with Dr. Manish in May, for identifying the underlying issues so that I can find solutions. Dr. Manish took me through very well planned sessions, which helped me to understand my problems in first phase. Then he introduced some tools and processes that are helping me address the issues. I have found good results, changed a few of my approaches to handing them. His calm no-nonsense attitude and simple approach puts one in ease and makes us also calm. A great session which has made me fearless and I am no more bothered about what happens in the future